The Constance Group > Blog > Business > Decision Fatigue: Why Too Many Choices Are Exhausting Us All
Posted by: Brian Parsley
Category: Business, Decision Making
Decision Fatigue: Why Too Many Choices Are Exhausting Us All

Decision Fatigue: Why Too Many Choices Are Exhausting Us All

Ever stood in front of the toothpaste aisle, overwhelmed by the number of options? Or spent an hour scrolling through Netflix, unable to decide what to watch? Welcome to the world of decision fatigue, folks. It’s not just you – we’re all drowning in choices, and it’s wearing us out.

For the record, I love having choices in life, but there’s a point where more choices actually make us less happy, not more. I’ve recently experienced this and the side effect is “no decision”.

And this doesn’t just affect our personal lives – it’s impacting businesses and customer satisfaction in a big way.

So, what exactly is decision fatigue? Simply put, it’s the deterioration of our ability to make good decisions after a long session of decision making. It’s like a mental muscle that gets tired the more you use it.

Here’s why this matters:

  1. It leads to poor choices: When we’re mentally exhausted, we tend to either make rash decisions or avoid deciding altogether. By “rash”, I mean emotional by the way.
  2. It causes stress: Too many options can be overwhelming, leading to anxiety and dissatisfaction. Maybe not a panic attack, but that “heavy” feeling you get and it’s not nice to feel.
  3. It wastes time: When faced with too many choices, we often spend more time deciding than actually doing.
  4. It decreases satisfaction: Ironically, having more options often makes us less happy with our final choice. Have you noticed marketing efforts with only three choices for you? They typically are good, better, best. That’s it. The Human Factor™ here is that behaviors are very predictable. Fewer the choices creates more action. (decision)

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, but what does this have to do with customer satisfaction?” Well, everything, actually. When your customers are faced with too many choices, they might:

  1. Abandon their decision to work with you altogether
  2. Take longer to make a decision, slowing down your sales process
  3. Feel less satisfied with their final choice
  4. Be less likely to make a decision at all

So, how can we combat decision fatigue and improve satisfaction, both for ourselves and our customers? Here are some easy strategies to apply today:

  1. Simplify, simplify, simplify: Whether it’s your product line or your daily routine, look for ways to reduce unnecessary choices.
  2. Categorize options: Group similar choices together. It’s easier to choose between 3 categories of 3 items each than 9 individual items.
  3. Provide recommendations: Use data or expertise to suggest the best options for specific needs. There are some people who only rely on “social proof.”
  4. Highlight differences: Make it easy to compare options by clearly showing how they differ.
  5. Offer a default option: For less important decisions, provide a smart default to save mental energy.
  6. Use the “good, better, best” approach I mentioned above: Limit options to three tiers for easier decision-making.

Here’s a personal tip: I’ve started to create “uniforms” for myself – pre-planned outfits for different types of days. You’ll often see my videos where I am wearing a white t-shirt. It’s not because I only have one outfit. It’s one less decision to make in the morning, and let me tell you, it’s liberating!

For businesses, this might mean streamlining your product offerings, simplifying your menu, or creating curated collections. Remember, your goal isn’t to limit your customers, but to make their decision-making process easier and more enjoyable.

The key is finding the sweet spot – enough choices to feel like you have options, but not so many that you’re overwhelmed. It’s about making decisions that feel like a choice, not a chore.

When you help your customers (and yourself) avoid decision fatigue, you’re not just making life easier – you’re paving the way for greater satisfaction and success.

Life’s too short to spend it all deciding which toothpaste to buy.

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