Posted by: Brian Parsley
Category: Goals

Achieve Your Goals by Living in the Moment

So, you have a goal. Maybe you want to launch a business, get promoted at work, or find the love of your life. Whatever it is, you’re determined to make it happen as soon as possible. But before you rush ahead, it’s important to remember that great things take time and we all have our own stories that shape how we approach our goals and how we live our lives. Let’s take a look at five simple tips (reminders) for achieving your goals through living in the moment.

Don’t Rush

It can be easy to get caught up in getting what you want quickly and feel discouraged when progress isn’t made as quickly as expected. Don’t forget that Rome wasn’t built in a day! Set achievable short-term goals and celebrate small successes along the way. This will help keep momentum going and boost motivation when times get tough.

You’ll Never Be 100% Ready!

No matter how much planning and preparation goes into an endeavor, there will always be something else that needs to be done or improved upon before taking action. Instead of striving for perfection, focus on taking imperfect action towards your goals every single day even if it feels uncomfortable or scary. I see people are are in a constant state of paralysis by analysis. Trust that success will follow!

We All Have A Painful Story

Everyone has their own story of pain and struggle which shapes their experiences and behavior today. The challenge is this bias of how you see and react to your world can do more damage than growth. Rather than comparing yourself to others who appear more successful (or worse yet, beating yourself up for not having achieved more yet), practice self-compassion by acknowledging your struggles but remembering that they don’t define you. You are defined by what you consistently do, not because you made a wrong decision. You are capable of greatness!

Chase Your Dreams Not People

Your dreams should bring meaning and fulfillment into your life—not other people! It’s tempting to compare yourself with what others have accomplished but remember that comparison is the thief of joy; instead stay focused on doing what makes YOU happy without worrying about what other people think or do. It’s so easy to look at a snapshot online and fall in love with someone else’s life….only to realize they are just as screwed up as you. Live authentically according to your values and beliefs—the rest will follow naturally!

A Bad Day Isn’t A Bad Life

Having bad days is inevitable; no matter who we are or how hard we try, there will be times when things don’t go according to plan. That doesn’t mean they’re bad days forever—it just means they’re part of the journey. Keep going even when faced with obstacles because success often requires making mistakes so we can learn from them faster and better next time around.

Achieving your goals takes hard work, dedication, and above all else patience. The key is trusting the process even when it feels like nothing is happening or progress seems too slow.

Remember that great things take time so don’t rush ahead; instead focus on living in the moment by taking imperfect actions each day towards your goals while also practicing self-compassion along the way.

As you get older you’ll remember the days you felt “overwhelmed” 10 years ago and you giggle because you’re looking through a new lens.

You got this—go out there and chase those dreams.

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