The Constance Group > Blog > Leadership
06 Jun
The Peril of Soft Leadership: Why It Can Cripple Your Sales Team
The Peril of Soft Leadership: Why It Can Cripple Your Sales Team

The Peril of Soft Leadership: Why It Can Cripple Your Sales Team In the demanding world of sales, strong leadership is the difference between a team that achieves and one that stagnates. While fostering a positive work environment is crucial, some leaders fall into the trap of “soft leadership” – often out of fear of...

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17 Oct
Shifting From Manager to Servant Leader – A Journey of Exceptional Leadership

Shifting From Manager to Servant Leader – A Journey of Exceptional Leadership In my numerous interactions with professionals across various fields, I often pose a question that invariably elicits agreement from everyone: “Have you ever had a bad manager or leader in your career?” It’s always a 100% resounding “yes!” The room fills with shared...

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13 Sep
The Power of Responsibility and Authority: A Leadership Imperative
The Power of Responsibility and Authority: A Leadership Imperative

The Power of Responsibility and Authority: A Leadership Imperative In the world of leadership, there are countless theories, strategies, and buzzwords. Yet, one concept stands out for its simplicity and profound impact: “You can’t outsource responsibility without authority.” This principle, introduced by my business partner, Tony Leone. It’s a game-changer for leaders and those aspiring...

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06 Sep
Navigating Business Success: Timeless Strategies Every Leader Should Know
Navigating Business Success: Timeless Strategies Every Leader Should Know

Navigating Business Success: Timeless Strategies Every Leader Should Know In the dynamic world of business nowadays, certain principles remain timeless. Whether you’re leading a digital startup or a global enterprise, the essence of success often boils down to two things: effective communication and leveraging the potential of your team. Let’s dive into these principles and...

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30 Jun
Stop Following the Leader: To Be a best, You Must Lead the Leader
Stop Following the Leader: To Be a best, You Must Lead the Leader

Stop Following the Leader: To Be a best, You Must Lead the Leader Have you ever felt stuck in your career, waiting for your boss to take the initiative and guide you? Well, it’s time to flip the script and shake things up. Instead of waiting for your leader to lead you, why not take...

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08 May
When to Let Go of the Reins: A Manager's Guide To Letting Their Team Fly Solo
When to Let Go of the Reins: A Manager’s Guide To Letting Their Team Fly Solo

When to Let Go of the Reins: A Manager’s Guide To Letting Their Team Fly Solo As a manager, it can be difficult to trust your team and let them take the lead. After all, you have worked hard to get to where you are and naturally want the best results for your team. However,...

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17 Apr
Leadership is a lot like gardening
Leadership is a lot like gardening

Leadership is a lot like gardening Just as a gardener carefully tends to their plants, a leader must carefully tend to their team to help them grow and thrive. And just like a garden, a team’s culture can either flourish or wither based on how well it’s nurtured. If you’re a leader looking to improve...

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07 Sep
Setting the Example – What True Leadership Looks Like

Setting the Example – What True Leadership Looks Like When we think of leaders, oftentimes our minds jump to images of people in positions of power – CEOs, managers, executives, etc. But the truth is, everyone has the potential to be a leader. You don’t need a title to be a leader. In fact, people...

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