The Constance Group > Blog > Negotiations
18 Apr
Ethos in Negotiation The Keystone of Trust and Credibility
Ethos in Negotiation: The Keystone of Trust and Credibility

Ethos in Negotiation: The Keystone of Trust and Credibility No matter what you’re trying to negotiate in life or business, the concept of “Ethos“—the ethical appeal or credibility of the negotiator—plays a pivotal role. Beyond the tactics and strategies, Ethos is about establishing a foundation of trust and credibility, crucial for persuasive communication. This principle...

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09 Apr
Navigating Stalemates in Negotiations The Power of a Higher Authority
Navigating Stalemates in Negotiations: The Power of a Higher Authority

Navigating Stalemates in Negotiations: The Power of a Higher Authority Negotiations are an integral part of professional life, whether you’re closing a deal, discussing terms with a supplier, or negotiating your salary. However, it’s not uncommon to reach a point where negotiations stall, and progress seems out of reach. This impasse can lead to entrenched...

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03 Apr
Beyond Splitting the Difference: A Masterful Negotiation Tactic for Winning Deals
Beyond Splitting the Difference: A Masterful Negotiation Tactic for Winning Deals

Beyond Splitting the Difference: A Masterful Negotiation Tactic for Winning Deals In the world of business, negotiation is as ubiquitous as it is crucial. Whether in sales, procurement, or project management, or even at home, the ability to negotiate effectively can make the difference between a successful deal and a missed opportunity. A common negotiation...

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26 Mar
The Silent Strength: Mastering the Art of Silence in Negotiations
The Silent Strength: Mastering the Art of Silence in Negotiations

The Silent Strength: Mastering the Art of Silence in Negotiations We all know, saying nothing at all can speak volumes. In the high-stakes world of business, where every word and gesture can tip the scales, there’s one tactic that often goes unnoticed but holds incredible power – silence. Why Silence? Silence isn’t just the absence...

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20 Mar
The Art of Nibbling in Negotiations: A Little More Can Mean A Lot
The Art of Nibbling in Negotiations: A Little More Can Mean A Lot

The Art of Nibbling in Negotiations: A Little More Can Mean A Lot Have you ever found yourself at the end of a negotiation, only to think, “Could I get just a bit more out of this?” Well, you’re not alone, and there’s even a cheeky term for it in the negotiation world – nibbling....

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