The Constance Group > Blog > Business > CRM: The Secret Weapon You’ve Been Ignoring
Posted by: Tony Leone
Category: Business, Customer Service, Sales, Success
CRM: The Secret Weapon You've Been Ignoring

CRM: The Secret Weapon You’ve Been Ignoring

Let’s face it, CRM can feel like a buzzkill. It’s that corporate jargon that your boss keeps throwing around, insisting it’s the key to sales success. But who cares about the boss’s insights, right? You’ve been closing deals just fine with your trusty sticky notes and sheer willpower.

At least that’s what I said to myself. I used to be a CRM denier myself. I thought it was just another corporate fad, a waste of time that would clutter up my day.

But then, I realized something: I was losing track of leads. I was forgetting follow-up tasks. And I had no idea where my deals were in the pipeline. My “winging it” approach was starting to backfire.

Here’s why CRM is a game-changer:

  • Tracking Leads: A CRM helps you keep track of every lead, from the moment they first contact you to the point where they become a customer. No more lost opportunities!
  • Managing Deals: You can see exactly where each deal is in the pipeline, from prospecting to closing. This helps you prioritize your time and focus on the deals that are most likely to close.
  • Taking Notes: A CRM allows you to store notes and reminders, so you never forget important details about your interactions with prospects and customers.
  • Automating Follow-Ups: This is the big one. CRM systems can automate follow-up tasks, saving you time and ensuring that you never forget to follow up with a potential customer. At the end of the day it should help you sell.
  • Analyzing Performance: A CRM can provide valuable insights into your sales performance, helping you identify areas where you can improve.

I know what you’re thinking: “But CRM is so complicated!” Well, it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of user-friendly CRM systems out there that are designed to make your life easier. And once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it.

But here’s the harsh reality of not using a CRM:

If you’re a good sales person, there’s no way you can keep track of your follow ups, key stakeholders, CTA’s, words they used to put in your proposal, and specifics to good questions. It’s flat out impossible. That’s if you’re good. If your pipeline is junk then yea, it’s not a problem. But if your knocking on enough doors you are undoubtedly leaking money somewhere.

So, if you’re still a CRM denier, I urge you to reconsider. It’s time to ditch the sticky notes and embrace the power of technology. Your sales numbers will thank you.
But here’s the thing: Using a CRM is only part of the equation. You also need to be disciplined about entering data and using the system effectively. If you’re not consistent, you won’t get the full benefits.

Here are some tips for using a CRM effectively:

  • Set aside time each day to enter data into your CRM
  • Use your CRM to track all of your interactions with prospects and customers
  • Set up automated workflows to save time
  • Use your CRM to analyze your sales performance
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it
  • And if you enter a note ALWAYS create a follow up task

By following these tips, you can make the most of your CRM and start seeing results. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to ditch the sticky notes and embrace the power of CRM. Your sales career will thank you.

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