02 Oct
CRM: The Secret Weapon You've Been Ignoring
CRM: The Secret Weapon You’ve Been Ignoring

CRM: The Secret Weapon You’ve Been Ignoring Let’s face it, CRM can feel like a buzzkill. It’s that corporate jargon that your boss keeps throwing around, insisting it’s the key to sales success. But who cares about the boss’s insights, right? You’ve been closing deals just fine with your trusty sticky notes and sheer willpower....

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29 Jul
Unraveling Your Own Narratives: Why Your Stories Prevent Your Success
Unraveling Your Own Narratives: Why Your Stories Prevent Your Success

Unraveling Your Own Narratives: Why Your Stories Prevent Your Success We all do it—lie that is. It’s a habit as old as humanity itself—comforting, messy, and ultimately self-destructive. Before we get too deep, let’s be clear: this isn’t some preachy guilt trip. It’s about understanding, and making better choices. At its core, lying is a...

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14 May
The Pitfalls of External Motivation: Why Sustainable Success Lies Within
The Pitfalls of External Motivation: Why Sustainable Success Lies Within

The Pitfalls of External Motivation: Why Sustainable Success Lies Within As a sales leader, I’ve seen firsthand the power of motivation in driving performance and achieving results. In the fast-paced world of sales motivation is often seen as the key to success. However, there’s a crucial distinction between external motivation, which comes from outside sources,...

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05 Jan
Career Mistakes That Derail Success
Career Mistakes That Derail Success

Career Mistakes That Derail Success No one starts a job anticipating getting fired or quit. The same is true in your personal life. Who wants to begin a relationship expecting it to end? The world of work is a fascinating and ever-evolving landscape. Lot’s of opportunities for growth, fulfillment, and professional achievement. However, amidst the...

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20 Dec
Success Isn't Something You Chase: It's Something You Attract
Success Isn’t Something You Chase: It’s Something You Attract

Success Isn’t Something You Chase: It’s Something You Attract The pursuit of success is a common goal most of us have. We are constantly striving to achieve more, to be more, and to do more. However, success is not something that can be chased. It is not something that is out there waiting to be...

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10 Nov
Understanding The Basic Human Needs: A Key to Business Success
Understanding The Basic Human Needs: A Key to Business Success

Understanding The Basic Human Needs: A Key to Business Success In today’s fast-paced world, businesses often focus on metrics, analytics, and bottom lines. However, at the core of every transaction and interaction lies a human being with fundamental needs and desires. If you could master and address these needs, the business can not only improve...

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06 Sep
Navigating Business Success: Timeless Strategies Every Leader Should Know
Navigating Business Success: Timeless Strategies Every Leader Should Know

Navigating Business Success: Timeless Strategies Every Leader Should Know In the dynamic world of business nowadays, certain principles remain timeless. Whether you’re leading a digital startup or a global enterprise, the essence of success often boils down to two things: effective communication and leveraging the potential of your team. Let’s dive into these principles and...

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05 Jul
When Your Team is Facing Defeat, What Do You Do?
When Your Team is Facing Defeat, What Do You Do?

When Your Team is Facing Defeat, What Do You Do? Sales teams are unique in that they are constantly striving for success. And for many team, when it comes to yearly quota, they start at zero Jan 1 Q1. As a sales manager, you set the tone for your team. If you show them that...

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07 Jun
PUTTING YOUR PURPOSE INTO ACTION: A Guide for the Sophisticated Professional

PUTTING YOUR PURPOSE INTO ACTION: A Guide for the Sophisticated Professional Last blog, we delved into the existential abyss of “why” – a riveting journey, wasn’t it? Now, let’s move beyond that introspection and put those profound discoveries into action. Buckle up, because we’re going to embark on a wild ride to make your professional...

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04 May
5 Ways to Make Customers Stick Around
From Casual Clients to Lifelong Fans: 5 Ways to Make Customers Stick Around

From Casual Clients to Lifelong Fans: 5 Ways to Make Customers Stick Around Listen, you’ve put your heart and soul into building your clients, and now it’s time to focus on the key ingredient to long-term success: customer loyalty. So, how do you turn a one-time buyer into a raving fan who just can’t get...

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26 Apr
Get Your Soul in Gear: How to Find Success with a Side of Sass

Get Your Soul in Gear: How to Find Success with a Side of Sass Oh, you want to find success from the soul? Look at you, getting all deep and introspective. Well, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this blog, we’ll explore how to align your purpose, values, and passions with a side of...

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21 Mar
Imposter syndrome: Do You Feel Like a Fraud?
Do You Feel Like a Fraud?

Do You Feel Like a Fraud? Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that affects many individuals, regardless of their background, education, or experience. It is characterized by feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and the persistent belief that one’s success is due to luck or manipulation rather than their own abilities. Imposter syndrome isn’t recognized as a...

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