20 Mar
The Art of Nibbling in Negotiations: A Little More Can Mean A Lot
The Art of Nibbling in Negotiations: A Little More Can Mean A Lot

The Art of Nibbling in Negotiations: A Little More Can Mean A Lot Have you ever found yourself at the end of a negotiation, only to think, “Could I get just a bit more out of this?” Well, you’re not alone, and there’s even a cheeky term for it in the negotiation world – nibbling....

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15 Mar
The Power of the 3 A's: Autonomy, Assurance, and Action in Decision-Making
The Power of the 3 A’s: Autonomy, Assurance, and Action in Decision-Making

The Power of the 3 A’s: Autonomy, Assurance, and Action in Decision-Making Understanding why people think and act the way they do is a fundamental question in human behavior. The answer often lies in the basic needs that drive our decisions. These needs can be encapsulated in three powerful concepts: Autonomy, Assurance, and Action. Autonomy:...

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07 Mar
Navigating Life's Journey: The Importance of Waypoints in Achieving Your Goals
Navigating Life’s Journey: The Importance of Waypoints in Achieving Your Goals

Navigating Life’s Journey: The Importance of Waypoints in Achieving Your Goals When you board a direct flight to your destination, have you ever considered that its path isn’t a straight line? Just like in air travel, the journey towards your personal and professional goals is rarely direct. It’s filled with obstacles, twists, and turns. There’s...

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27 Feb
The Power of Tonality: It's Not Just What You Say Anymore
The Power of Tonality: It’s Not Just What You Say Anymore

The Power of Tonality: It’s Not Just What You Say Anymore We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it that matters.” This phrase holds a profound truth in the realm of communication, where perception often overrides intent. Let’s explore the crucial role of tonality in communication and how...

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21 Feb
The Four Rules of Trust: A Guide to Enhancing Your Personal and Professional Relationships
The Four Rules of Trust: A Guide to Enhancing Your Personal and Professional Relationships

The Four Rules of Trust: A Guide to Enhancing Your Personal and Professional Relationships Have you ever wondered what makes you trust someone? Is it their words, actions, or just a gut feeling? Trust is integral in building effective relationships and communication, and it’s fascinating to see how it plays out in our daily lives....

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17 Feb
The Sales Game: Competing Against Yourself
The Sales Game: Competing Against Yourself

The Sales Game: Competing Against Yourself In the fast-paced world of sales, competition SHOULD be a key driver for us. Of course, money and freedom are top of the class, but since there is no second place in sales, competition is ever present in our quest for success. Whether it’s vying against industry rivals or...

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14 Feb
Wake Up and Live: Seize the Moment
Wake Up and Live: Seize the Moment

Wake Up and Live: Seize the Moment Have you ever stopped to consider the finite nature of time? Our time on this earth is limited, regardless of our wealth, health, or status. Death is an inevitable part of life, and while it’s often difficult to grasp as physical beings, it’s a reality we must confront....

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08 Feb
Self-Talk Danger: Taming the Voice in Your Head
Self-Talk Danger: Taming the Voice in Your Head

Self-Talk Danger: Taming the Voice in Your Head Have you ever noticed that little voice in your head? The one that’s always chattering away, sometimes giving you pep talks and sometimes delivering harsh criticism? That’s your self-talk, and it has a huge impact on your life. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Self-Talk...

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01 Feb
The Illusion of Change: Embracing Action over Self-Reinvention
The Illusion of Change: Embracing Action over Self-Reinvention

The Illusion of Change: Embracing Action over Self-Reinvention In the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment, the concept of “change” has become a mantra, echoing through self-help seminars, personal development books, and motivational speeches. We are bombarded with messages urging us to transform ourselves, to shed our old habits and become the person we aspire...

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29 Jan
Life's Unpredictable Journey: Embracing Resilience in the Face of Adversity
Life’s Unpredictable Journey: Embracing Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Life’s Unpredictable Journey: Embracing Resilience in the Face of Adversity Life is a tapestry woven with threads of joy, sorrow, triumph, and tribulation. It’s a journey that takes us through unexpected turns, challenging us to adapt, grow, and discover our inner strength. While the highs are exhilarating, the lows can leave us feeling lost, disoriented,...

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18 Jan
Reclaiming Narrative: From "Why" to "Who"
Reclaiming Narrative: From “Why” to “Who”

Reclaiming Narrative: From “Why” to “Who” In the face of life’s inevitable challenges, our minds naturally seek answers, reaching for the familiar “why” question. While understanding the reasons behind our experiences can be valuable, dwelling on the “why” (who hurt you) can trap us in a victim mentality, hindering our personal growth and preventing us...

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13 Jan
The Power of Tonality: Mastering the Art of Effective Communication
The Power of Tonality: Mastering the Art of Effective Communication

The Power of Tonality: Mastering the Art of Effective Communication Our world has shifted over the years on how we communicate. Because we need to consume so much data it’s shifted to increasingly digital, with emails and text messages taking the place of face-to-face conversations. While these digital communication tools offer convenience and immediacy, they...

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